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Exercise and Diabetes

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Technically speaking, the main difference between these two classes of exercise are oxygen levels. By definition aerobic exercise means “with oxygen” meaning your body is getting enough to supply its demand. During anaerobic exercise, your body’s oxygen demand surpasses your oxygen supply.

Aerobic exercise is a type of cardiovascular training that results in an increased heart rate & breathing for a sustained period of time. Anaerobic exercise involves quick bursts of energy to perform at maximum effort for a short amount of time.

Examples of aerobic exercises include running, cycling, swimming while examples of anaerobic exercises include weightlifting, sprinting, HIIT.

Try out the talk test - If you can comfortably hold a conversation during exercise, not fully normal but slightly breathless...Then you are working at an aerobic level !

Both aerobic and anaerobic exercise have their benefits so one it not “better” than the other. Both should be incorporated into your routine but the type of exercise you choose to focus on also depends on your personal preferences & goals.